


before i start, this blog is inspired by Ribo Zone's blog archive. I know they are popular, but go check their page again.

My name on this blog is Apho!

I always wanted to have a blog and be like those cool teenagers on TV. Today, as i finished my senior year of high school, i thought why not? better late than never.

I'm not good at writing, it was never my strong suit, i usually don't know what to say, i'm always deleting and rewriting things a million times. I want to use this blog to overcome that “fear” of writing- you know? uploading things without thinking too much about it :P

To finish this entry, let me introduce myself!

My name is Apho, i'm from Argentina.

I speak Spanish, English and German. I was born in January, I like drawing, reading and programming nonsense.

Nice to meet you!